Topic: Business

This page shows 141 to 150 of 492 total podcasts in this series.
<<Newer | 1- | 11- | 21- | 31- | 41- | 51- | 61- | 71- | 81- | 91- | 101- | 111- | 121- | 131- | 141- | 151- | 161- | 171- | 181- | 191- | 201- | 211- | 221- | 231- | 241- | 251- | 261- | 271- | 281- | 291- | 301- | 311- | 321- | 331- | 341- | 351- | 361- | 371- | 381- | 391- | 401- | 411- | 421- | 431- | 441- | 451- | 461- | 471- | 481- | 491- | Older>>

Eric Ries - The Lean Startup: Innovation Through Experimentation

Lean Startup movement concepts have entered the zeitgeist, says Eric Ries. His IT-sector "mid-term report card" shows an industry under pressure, but he says successful entrepreneurs have a superior process: the Lean Startup process. They Pivot through a Build-Measure-Learn feedback loop. Lean Startup techniques such as Innovation Through Experimentation, can be applied to any company, industry, or start-up. Startups grow through validated learning, through a series of Pivots.

Jeff Papows - Glitch: The Impact of Faulty Software

Software glitches cost businesses a great deal of money. While some may seem mere inconveniences, others can cause major problems for both organizations and consumers. Jeff Papows discusses his new book, in which he talks about why glitches happen as well as how issues can be avoided in the future.

Skip Prichard - Are Ebooks Dead?

Skip Prichard's discussion of the future of the publishing industry uses a jar of jam, an NFL running back, and a jazz musician to offer lessons for the publishing industry. He discusses how the lines between print and electronic publishing have blurred and this has huge ramifications for the publishing industry. In handling this increased pressure, Skip explores three suggestions for publishers: simplify, connect, and conquer.

Vik Chaudhary - From Browsers to Mobile Devices

Vic Chaudhary introduces MITE 2.0, currently available in beta, which offers expanded capability to test web page presentation for thousands of different client devices in real time anywhere in the world from your desktop. The software is useful for developers, QA and test professionals, and web operations personnel.

William Patry - Law Is Not a Business Solution

William Patry has been working with copyright law for 25 years and has a number of observations on this continuously evolving challenge. He says we lose respect for the legal system when we use it to solve business problems. Exploring regulatory capitalism as a tool to shield and protect incumbents and the status quo from competition, he says copyright law doesn't create economic value. Paley sees instead a big need for managerial imagination.

Steve Gillmor - The Client-side Revolution: What's Next

Steve Gillmor muses about the present and possible futures like a "blind man at the toes of an elephant". He makes insightful comments on the death of RSS, the next wave of value, and the need for gestures. Steve explores harnessing Social Cloud Dynamics, the challenges of collaboration and the iPad, in the context in which these changes are happening. He also comments on the trouble with current business models as he shows how affinity groups will become powerful economic engines.

Michael Widenius - State of MariaDB

Beginning with a bit of history, Michael Widenius, co-founder and CTO of MySQL AB, gives a lecture on MySQL, MariaDB, and the purpose of his company. The topics branch to include developments and improvements in the MariaDB, as well as the general direction of the company.

Peter Collingridge - Enhancing the Ebook

Describing the past, present and future of his business, Enhanced Editions, Peter Collingridge uses this platform to explain deeper issues as well: ebooks as a whole, publishing, and technology's effect on reading. He also discusses the specifics of his business and market.

Joe Vito - Everything That's Old is New Again

Software is reorganizing the world, according to Joe Vito in this presentation from the 2010 Kynetx Impact Conference on how technology and apps are changing the relationship between businesses and consumers. With a bit of social commentary and a few anecdotes, he explains how companies should keep up with changes in efficiency, demand, and customer preferences.

Eric Ries - Lean Startups: Doing More with Less

Eric Ries talks about the elements that allow startups to succeed, what causes them to fail, and how entrepreneurial management can effect the outcome. The idea of pivot, reasons why lean startups are better at it, and how pivot can be built upon by startup managers are discussed briefly, but in depth.
This page shows 141 to 150 of 492 total podcasts in this series.
<<Newer | 1- | 11- | 21- | 31- | 41- | 51- | 61- | 71- | 81- | 91- | 101- | 111- | 121- | 131- | 141- | 151- | 161- | 171- | 181- | 191- | 201- | 211- | 221- | 231- | 241- | 251- | 261- | 271- | 281- | 291- | 301- | 311- | 321- | 331- | 341- | 351- | 361- | 371- | 381- | 391- | 401- | 411- | 421- | 431- | 441- | 451- | 461- | 471- | 481- | 491- | Older>>