Topic: Business

This page shows 301 to 310 of 492 total podcasts in this series.
<<Newer | 1- | 11- | 21- | 31- | 41- | 51- | 61- | 71- | 81- | 91- | 101- | 111- | 121- | 131- | 141- | 151- | 161- | 171- | 181- | 191- | 201- | 211- | 221- | 231- | 241- | 251- | 261- | 271- | 281- | 291- | 301- | 311- | 321- | 331- | 341- | 351- | 361- | 371- | 381- | 391- | 401- | 411- | 421- | 431- | 441- | 451- | 461- | 471- | 481- | 491- | Older>>

Steve Marx - B2B Interactive Selling Strategies

In this interview Steve Marx, CEO of the Center for Sales Strategy and author of the book "Close Like the Pros," introduces a whole new way of thinking about closing B2B sales, turning the old-school "hand-off selling" concept on its ear. In Marx's interactive selling approach the sale is a process rather than an event. He explains why interactive strategies take advantage of the current choice-filled B2B landscape, enabling more efficient, productive, and successful sales.

Mark Sigal - Intellectual Property and Social Media

Will social media kill intellectual property? Denise Howell speaks with Mark Sigal, CEO of vSocial, Inc., a social networking for video platform. He states that media is in a never ending evolutionary state and the ability of users to use copyrighted content. Sigal talks about vSocial's business strategy and how the company deals with problematic content as well as the nature of the law.

Weighing the Investment in Biotech

Billions of dollars have been invested in biotech. Dr. Moira Gunn and David Ewing Duncan weigh those investments against the results produced thus far.

Elizabeth Ferranini - Get your customers to do your marketing

Who can better influence your markets and show your product's real value than an articulate satisfied customer? Elizabeth Ferranini, veteran PR consultant, brings a wealth of experience to this conversation about using both old and new media to enable your customers to do high-quality marketing for your company. She explains how to interview CEOs and CIOs, what marketing skills and investments start-up companies need, how to craft a case study that can jump-start your business, and how companies can effectively communicate with their customers.

Jeff Mischkinsky - Open Composite Services Architecture

OASIS, an international standards consortium, recently announced its Open Composite Services Architecture (Open CSA) Member Section, a new initiative to advance standards that simplify Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) application development. In this episode, Jeff Mischkinsky of Oracle and OASIS' board of directors explains Open CSA's role in speeding development and assembly of business services. Mischkinsky speaks about forthcoming OASIS-compliant developer tools which will "make SOA concrete."

Stuart Skorman - Confessions of a Serial Entrepreneur

Dr. Moira Gunn speaks with serial entrepreneur Stuart Skorman. She asks him what it takes to be an entrepreneur.

Bogus Electronics, Open Targets & Success through Failure

On this edition of IEEE Spectrum Radio, learn about the ten percent of goods which are being sold on today's market: counterfeit; how complex analytics software circumvents privacy laws using digital data shredders; why we only learn from failure; and how the lack of diagnostic testing of security protocols is leaving the U.S. a wide open target.

Bruce Perens - Is Microsoft/Novell SCO All Over Again?

Scott talks to Bruce Perens about the reaction to his criticism of Novell's financial and development agreements with Microsoft. In this conversation, Scott challenges an earlier Perens statement that the agreement amounts to "SCO all over again." In particular, Scott focuses on Microsoft's recent willingness to engage the open source community in ways SCO does not. Scott also talks with Bruce about the number of venture-funded open source startups who believe in software patents and the prospects for a more effective open source lobbying organization?

Adam Richardson - Managing Schizophrenic Projects

There is an increasing need for companies to deal with challenges in creating compelling and profitable user experiences: a long-term vision and roadmap must be developed in parallel with defining near term offerings and tactical development decisions. This leads to tensions and obstacles that need to be managed effectively. Adam Richardson of frog design uses the example of the Alltel Celltop product to look at dealing with the complex challenges that schizophrenic projects create.

Dr. Greg Stock - From Academia to a BioTech Business

Dr. Moira Gunn and David Ewing Duncan speak with Dr. Greg Stock, Founder and CEO of Signum Biosciences. David asks him about the expansion from the ivory tower of academia into the realities of a biotech business.
This page shows 301 to 310 of 492 total podcasts in this series.
<<Newer | 1- | 11- | 21- | 31- | 41- | 51- | 61- | 71- | 81- | 91- | 101- | 111- | 121- | 131- | 141- | 151- | 161- | 171- | 181- | 191- | 201- | 211- | 221- | 231- | 241- | 251- | 261- | 271- | 281- | 291- | 301- | 311- | 321- | 331- | 341- | 351- | 361- | 371- | 381- | 391- | 401- | 411- | 421- | 431- | 441- | 451- | 461- | 471- | 481- | 491- | Older>>