Topic: Government

This page shows 51 to 60 of 154 total podcasts in this series.
<<Newer | 1- | 11- | 21- | 31- | 41- | 51- | 61- | 71- | 81- | 91- | 101- | 111- | 121- | 131- | 141- | 151- | Older>>

David Duncan - Genetics Testing and the FDA

Dr. Moira Gunn talks with Biotech columnist and author, David Ewing Duncan, about the attention genetic testing is receiving from the FDA, the National Institutes of Health *and* the Government Accounting Office.

Carl Malamud - "By the People..."

Carl Malamud, president of Public.Resource.Org, describes observations which indicate how the internet wave, created in the private sector, has triggered success and could be extremely beneficial in the public sector in the future. He suggests that access to information and public documents may lead to more efficient government, more economic activity and better democracy.

RAPID FIRE: Location, Location, Location

In this series of short talks from the Gov 2.0 Summit, four pioneers of open geospatial data share their experiences in encouraging collaboration through data sharing. From Virtual Alabama to "Beer for Data" in Afghanistan, it's an eye-opening look at the doors which can be unlocked by open data in government.

John Podesta and James Fallows - Social Media, Diplomacy, and Co-Creation of Dialogue

John Podesta and James Fallows discuss Gov 2.0 communication challenges for presidential candidates and administrations, and how messaging strategies and tactics affect international perceptions of America.

Brad Jupp - Data Collection in Our Schools

Brad Jupp, a veteran teacher, administrator and union leader in the Denver school system, discusses how the Department of Education means to use data collection to propel schools from 'school district 1.0' to 'school district 1.2'.

Apps for America II

Clay Johnson, Director of Sunlight Labs, reviews several entries from the 'Apps for America II' development contest which make exclusive use of the knowledgebase.

Financial Crisis and a Changing Business World: James Wolfensohn

The recent financial crisis has highlighted the interconnectedness among economies in today's world. In this audio interview, Stanford MBA student Lisa Scheible talks with James Wolfensohn, former president of World Bank, about how the crisis has changed the way global institutions and firms that are engaged in emerging market economies must operate to promote long-term development and prosperity.

Financial Crisis and a Changing Business World: Jeffrey Sachs

The financial crisis started on Wall Street but continues to have a profound impact around the world. Among those affected are the poorest of the poor. In this audio interview, Stanford MBA student Joy Sun talks with Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Earth Institute and a professor at Columbia University, about how the financial crisis is shaping international relations and countries' paths toward economic development.

Clay Shirky - Technology Insight

In this Gov 2.0 presentation Clay Shirky explains why an L.A. Times wikitorial effort went wrong and compares it with the continuing success of Apps For Democracy.

Financial Crisis and a Changing Business World: Michael Spence

How have some developing countries managed to overcome poverty? What kinds of economic and political decisions have led to their success? In this audio lecture Michael Spence, Nobel Memorial Prize Winner in Economic Sciences, discusses what the Commission on Growth and Development has learned about the characteristics of nations that have been able to advance economically despite the recent global financial crisis.
This page shows 51 to 60 of 154 total podcasts in this series.
<<Newer | 1- | 11- | 21- | 31- | 41- | 51- | 61- | 71- | 81- | 91- | 101- | 111- | 121- | 131- | 141- | 151- | Older>>