Topic: Government

This page shows 81 to 90 of 154 total podcasts in this series.
<<Newer | 1- | 11- | 21- | 31- | 41- | 51- | 61- | 71- | 81- | 91- | 101- | 111- | 121- | 131- | 141- | 151- | Older>>

Open Source Principles and the Federal Government

The Obama administration is trying to create a new model where governmental openness is the norm, and collaboration between the open source community and the federal government may be a key to its success. Gunnar Hellekson says that by encouraging the government to adopt open source practices, the open source community can help the government do its job better, to everyone's benefit.

Wrestling with Convergence and Communications Policy

What are the key pieces policy makers must understand about the intersection of technology trends and digital economics to create broadband policies that make sense? What are the best roles of regulators, users, and industry in creating a rich environment for the powerful convergence of media and communications? Richard Whitt, Senior Policy Director at Google, provides a new framework for building better broadband policy in this Emerging Communications Conference 2009 presentation.

Entrepreneurship for Economic Growth: Panel Discussion

International development is increasingly dependent on the entrepreneurship of local citizens. But has the U.S.-caused global recession robbed American business and government of the ability to persuade other countries to partake of the capitalistic entrepreneurial model? In this panel discussion, part of a conference convened by the Hoover Institute at Stanford, experts discuss the role of entrepreneurship in economic growth worldwide.

Tech Nation - Current FDA Activities

David Ewing Duncan discusses his interview with the new Commissioner of the FDA. Dr Margaret Hamburg shared her thoughts on biotech, tobacco and personalized medicine.

Eve Maler - User-Managed Access (UMA)

Eve Maler discusses her work on User-Managed Access (UMA). In addition to discussing the concept of UMA, she gives examples of its use, as well as her work with the User Managed Access Working Group at the Kantara Initiative and how UMA relates to Identity, Credential and Access Management (ICAM), part of the U.S. Government's work in overseeing the government-wide activities related to Cybersecurity and Identity Management.

Social Entrepreneurship in Louisiana: Mitch Landrieu

How is New Orleans rebuilding after Hurricane Katrina? In this Stanford Center for Social Innovation sponsored presentation at the Social Enterprise Alliance 2009 Summit, Louisiana Lieutenant Governor Mitch Landrieu discusses the role of tourism in the city's rehabilitation with Root Cause founder, Andrew Wolk. Landrieu details his work to found the nation's first government-run Office of Social Entrepreneurship, and emphasizes how New Orleans and the entire state are being strengthened by the development of their cultural assets.

Ellen Miller - Fixing Government with Web 2.0

Tim O'Reilly's advice: pay attention to the disruptive forces of Ellen Miller and the Sunlight Foundation. Why? Because, as Executive Director Miller explains in this Web 2.0 Expo keynote, the Sunlight Foundation is using the internet to create greater transparency and openness, and in turn greater accountability, in Government.

China's Environmental Sustainability Myths Dispelled: Mark Levine

Like Russia, China has been a huge and inefficient user of energy for decades. Now, however, the country is cleaning up its act. In this audio lecture, sponsored by the Stanford Center for Social Innovation, Mark Levine, Lawrence Berkeley Lab energy group director, dispels common American myths about China's energy and environmental practices, demonstrating that the country is becoming surprisingly progressive. He touches on areas such as subsidies, pricing, and emissions policies.

Tim O'Reilly - The O'Reilly Radar

What's on the O'Reilly Radar this year? In this OSCON keynote Tim O'Reilly, co-founder and CEO of O'Reilly Media Inc., peers into the crystal ball to foretell a future of sensor driven interfaces combining with co-operating cloud databases; the unlikely emergence of Government as an ally of open data platforms; and a rethinking of Gov 2.0 as a platform and means for collective action.

Silona Bonewald -

Silona Bonewald wishes that every government website would offer stable permalinks for all published documents. In this conversation with host Jon Udell, she describes her proposal for making that wish come true.
This page shows 81 to 90 of 154 total podcasts in this series.
<<Newer | 1- | 11- | 21- | 31- | 41- | 51- | 61- | 71- | 81- | 91- | 101- | 111- | 121- | 131- | 141- | 151- | Older>>