John Buckman


World-Changing Possibilities of Online Communication
43 minutes, 20mb, recorded 2008-05-27
John Buckman

John Buckman founded Lyris, an email list management company, and more recently Magnatune, an online music service that uses Creative Commons licenses and pays artists 50% of its revenue. He's also the creator of BookMooch, a book exchange, and is Fearless Leader of, an online platform that supports the crowdsourcing of film production. The common thread? An idealistic passion for the world-changing possibilities of online communication

John Buckman is the founder of, an online record label he launched May of 2003 with the motto "We are not evil". Magnatune sells downloads directly from its web site as well as licensing music online to companies. Buckman is known in the open culture community for successfully employing Creative Commons for profit. He sits on the boards of Electronic Frontier Foundation, and the Open Rights Group. Buckman is also the founder of, an online peer-to-per used book exchange launched in August 2006.  The site features 500,000 books, 70,000 members trading over 3000 books daily. From 1994 to 2005, Buckman was the CEO/Founder of Lyris Technologies, an email newsletter software company, which he sold in 2005. Buckman was born in England, raised in France, and moved to America when he was 10.


This free podcast is from our Jon Udell's Interviews with Innovators series.

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