Lucas Gonze

Software Developer, Yahoo!

Discovering, Sharing, and Experiencing Music
59 minutes, 27.1mb, recorded 2008-05-07
Lucas Gonze

Lucas Gonze founded the playlist-sharing site, and currently leads the development of the Yahoo! Media Player. He's also an amateur guitarist who records and performs 19th-century parlour music. In this wide-ranging conversation on Interviews with Innovators with Jon Udell, Gonze reflects on the ways we discover, share, and experience music in the digital age.

Lucas Gonze is a software developer at Yahoo!, where he landed after it bought his playlist-sharing site Webjay. In the past he has worked on Unix office automation software, e-commerce sites, web servers, peer to peer applications, and web services. During the bubble Gonze ran a web shop that morphed into a peer-to-peer startup that morphed into a dot-bomb. After that he made a living as a consultant, notably on web communities.


This free podcast is from our Jon Udell's Interviews with Innovators series.

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Photo: Mike Manning